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Ages 9+
$ 79
All Aboard the Ghost Boat for Santa and The Rougarou’s Creepy Christmas Cruise and Haunted Trail!
What Santa has an Axe? Creepy Krampus at The Cemetery at Christmas?
The MysticGhostRide Company would like to present to you Creepy Christmas Boat Tour, and Haunted Trail, featuring Santa and the Rougarou out on the Bayou.
Listen to Mystic Molly unfold masterful storytelling of a spooky Santa Fairytale, while gliding down the bayou to the Haunted Trail. Mystic Molly and her victims will step off the boat, and enter the haunted trail, in the midst of the swamp, and let nature take it’s course. Not wanting to go on the haunted trail, then stay back on the boat, in the deep dark cypress swamp. After the boat ride, I invite you on The Spirit Ghost Walk of Bay Saint Louis. Krampus will be waiting at the Cemetery to reveal who’s been naughty or Nice. Tickets are $79 per person with the boat ride and includes walk for your evening of creepy ghost stories with a Krampus style ending. Call now at (228) 363-9533 to book your tickets now!
This offer is for the boat ride and walk on the same day only. Must call for the free walk after you book the boat ride. Tour dates for the boat tour and walk are November 22nd-December 30th, on select dates. Tour schedule is listed on the website. Just want to walk and experience your encounter with Krampus at the cemetery tickets are $29.00 per person. While walking, we will stop along the way for an alcoholic beverage if you wish. Get your tickets while they last. Hot chocolate is available for purchase on the boat ride or BYOB. Children 9 and up are recommended with parent consent and discretion.
Old souls and Christmas traditions, in the mist of the marsh like never before.
Come, come get away from it all; Come if you dare!
Celebrate with old souls and Christmas traditions in the mist of the marsh like never before.
Have a holly, haunted Christmas. Come if you dare!